The British Academy Karnal provides a number of visa consulting and processing services to those who are currently in Canada. These are provided by The British Academy Karnal in partnership with a lawyer or registered migration agent in Canada.
Australia, Canada, New Zealand and a number of other countries offers options for those who want to settle as permanent residents. But before you apply, you need to be sure that you actually qualify as per the current rules.
If your evaluation is positive, The British Academy Karnal will accept your case for processing. If your evaluation report is negative, The British Academy Karnal will give you a complimentary report for another country.
Most immigration programs are point based & the Eligibility Report is an elaborate document that contains your Score Card.
About The British Academy Karnal Popular Services include
- Professional Consultation.
- Federal Skilled Migration.
- Canadian Experience Class.
- Conversion from work permit to PR.
- Conversion from student visa to work permit.
- Spouse and dependent visas.
- Business, Tourist & student visas.
Why should you not delay?
Rules may change.Immigration rules are volatile and governments are always debating whether to close the door or whom to close the door on. Don't take the rules for granted. Apply now when you are eligible! You may not be eligible, a few months from now. You save time.
If you postpone your decision, you end up in the same career junction even next year. Take a decision and advance your career right now. You aren't growing any younger!
Most countries have an age limit and it gets stricter as you grow older. You may not be eligible even a year later. And then as you get older, your ability to adjust to new surroundings also decreases. Apply now-You may also earn extra points for age! Your kids adjust faster when they are younger. Your kids adjust better and learn faster when younger. Remember, this opportunity is for them too. Better in every way If you are not married, it will improve your profile and get you a better partner. It is never a bad thing to hold a PR visa that allows you to work and live overseas. It is never a bad thing to hold an additional UK, Australia or Canadian Passport. No kids? Even better. If you are married and do not have children yet, your kids born inside the country will become Naturalized Citizens automatically. Enroll in that MBA you dreamt of You will get the benefits of substantial discounts in education when you are a Permanent Resident. Invest in a new career, MBA or Master Degree Program then. You may change your mind You or your spouse may change your mind later and may miss on something good in your life and for your children. Treat your migration petition as an investment for the future-yours and your children. Apply for it now, watch it mature later. Avail of the benefits all your life.